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Ahavas Chinam 

Making Disciples of Yeshua and Torah

Home: Welcome

Who we are and what we are doing:

- We are building a community of Observant followers of Yeshua whether locally or around the world

- Orthodox: We follow the Written and Oral Torah

- Messianic: Yeshua is the Moshiach

- Shul/Synagogue: We are building a Jewish community where any Jew, of whatever observance,

can come and daven, learn and live out a jewish life while maintaining (or exploring) faith in Moshiach

- Everyone is welcome (scroll down to learn more)


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Home: Service

Holiday Celebrations

One Step at a Time


Come for Shavous - we will be holding an all night study Tuesday June 11th - please email us for details 


We would love for you to join us for the many festive meals during the holidays, such as Purim, Pesach, Shavuos, the High Holy Days as well as community fast days. Please see our calendar for more information on these services or get in touch with us.

Come join us

Creating a community 

Are you looking for a community of like minded believers in Moshiach Yeshua? Are you wanting to learn more about what it means to be Jewish? Are you looking for a family friendly place? Looking for an observant congregation or curious about what it means to be observant in Torah? 


If you answered Yes to any of these questions - please reach out to us and come join our community. 

Home: Service

Make a Donation

Carrying Torah Scrolls
Home: Quote

Shiurim (Teachings) - over zoom

Learn Mussar, Tanak, and Talmud


Halacha Class - Sundays at 10am CST


13 principles of Faith study - Sundays at 2pm CST 


We are open to suggestions as well so pease contact us so we know what you want taught 


We seek to educate people in the community by offering shurim on various topics such as Mussar, Talmud, Torah, and studies on the Moshiach. If you would be interested in learning with us, please contact us and we can give you more information.




Prayer Services

Reinforcing our Commitment


Shacharis............8:30am daily

Mincha.................Contact us for time

Ma'ariv.................9pm daily


Currently we are in the process of getting a Minyan. Please contact us for more information.

Home: Contact

Contact Ahavas Chinam

Get in touch with Ahavas Chinam to learn about this new community and how to join. 

Reach us at 630-987-4181

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